There’s nothing that makes a man more manly. Megathread Plus, owning a manual makes your vehicle pretty much theft-proof — it’s such a lost skill that most would-be thieves wouldn’t know how to drive away with your car even if they managed to break in. Patrick says in a hundred different ways that it's what's inside of a man that counts, no matter how much he knows about tying a four-in-hand knot. Responsibility is a big hurtle and if you can admit you are wrong, you have a starting point of correcting yourself and other's perception of you. And that is the common attitude of whisky-drinkers. Still have questions? Former Citigroup chairman: How to bring unity to U.S. 'Black Panther' actor, model confirm romance rumors, Mass. The back and forth over what is considered manly can be very confusing to the modern gentleman but there are a variety of ways that you can implement in your relationship to ensure you man feels needed. Something like the manly version of the bloody mary. Also, that better be beer and not piss-water. [–][deleted] 9 points10 points11 points 5 years ago (2 children), [–]cranapple12 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (2 children). [–]fuckshitstackkk 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (0 children), WE FUCK MEN. Says, "Men don't talk. Why is it so funny when men get gang raped . You can sign in to vote the answer. A man who can make a decision without resorting to an internet poll to help him decide. Even though I would love to date a trans woman, I don’t think I can? I put on women's clothing, Real women are subject to these same rules. I once ate 50 hardboiled eggs in one sitting. A boy becomes a man when he toughens up physically, mentally and spiritually. Kept preaching. I had a bowl of nails this morning for breakfast... [–][deleted] 20 points21 points22 points 5 years ago (2 children), [–]Stinky_WhizzleTeats 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (1 child), [–]bentoboxbarry 35 points36 points37 points 5 years ago (0 children), [–]monkeyKILL40 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago (0 children), [–]CumFlavoredBongWater 140Answer Link13 points14 points15 points 5 years ago (5 children), [–]Chispy 1320Answer Link131 points132 points133 points 5 years ago (19 children). Got up and went back into town. I imagine it's been a while since your loved ones have been able to find anyone willing to give them a haircut. Fixating on one of these definitions of manhood doesn’t make you a powerful man, it makes you what Garrett White calls a “one-dimensional douche bag”. As they float down the mighty rivers of i have tools, and the internet. The guy is going on for a bit but Dad doesn't react more than a smirk. I don't have to force them on other people, but my judgement is valid and matters. [–]magnament 35 points36 points37 points 5 years ago (2 children), [–]kaisermagnus 5 points6 points7 points 5 years ago (0 children). Be simple, give space, live and love your own life and do not make him the center of … Again, the name makes up for at least 50% of what makes the manliest drinks manly. These pressures — like pressure to be a “real man” by experiencing sex in one specific way — can look different for different guys, and vary a lot depending on culture and community. Wood or foam? Throws him out of the place and security handle him from there but not before this idiot tries to charge in and Dad just smacks him one again. Card. He also described me, minus the entire first part. One of the manliest things a man can do is own up to his mistakes, tell the truth when it’s hard, and say he is sorry and mean it. Serious posts Posted on May 24, 2017 May 28, 2017 by fashionfreakia. A dominant man that portrays a persona of certitude, a real man who does not feel that he has to be physically or verbally abusive but a man who knows how to be assertive without being too domineering and can be faithful and respects you as he respects himself, that's a real man for me, but then again, that's just me, it may be different for girl in your part of the county. A handsome man is a man with a face that could be chiseled on a statue representing Timeless Handsome Man Across All Handsomeness of All-Time Handsomeness. That was when I found out it was not the first time this had happened, just the first time I knew about it. A true man embraces each emotion, and adds it to his ever-growing power. 1 Corinthians 16:13 (ESV) WHOA! They do. Because I can't believe that nobody precious to you has never suffered any harm. GF wants to spend the evening on the couch? The concept of you being less actually makes you more to a man. Gentlemen, let me ask you something, when you think of someone who is MANLY, what comes to your mind? Neice wants her nails painted? One who doesn't need to brag or show off because he's confident with himself. 596. He can laugh at himself and cares about other people’s happiness. Primarily because I don't give a shit if people think I am manly or not. What is manly is being upfront and honest, especially when that is the hard thing to do. My manly beard, full chest of hair, ability to swing an axe, and denial of my true feelings by drinking heavily. Most people in their answers have mentioned qualities that should be ingrained in one's life irrespective of the gender. Because adding to the case file never gets old, consider this Reddit thread, which asks the question: ‘What’s the dumbest thing you’ve seen a man do to ‘prove’ their manhood?’ You can check out the full thread here but below are some absolutely boneheaded highlights: Card. Does he need to be tall, dark and handsome to stand any chance at all? My Father played rugby and boxed as a young man. Requirement to be accepted as a respectable member of the male community. Being social and meeting tons of people is more important than being manly in this regard. Close. Saying what needs to be said. [–]overthemountain 126 points127 points128 points 5 years ago (0 children), [–]Noltonn 10 points11 points12 points 5 years ago (0 children). Dick it. GRABABRUSHAPUTALITTLEMAKEUP Paul was an epic man: First century Jew = epic beard. No, but seriously, there's nothing "better" about being seen as manly. Who is the Man's Man? Manly is synonymous with masculine, that is to say, that which is associated with men more than it is with women. It's about the way he holds himself and his morals. A real man shows compassion and empathy, and he holds his weapons in reserve. Treating my friends like royalty. A beard man is an absolute way of distinguishing a man from a boy; and in the environment of shaved dudes, a man with a beard will always look more authoritative – to women and also to other men around him. He's worldly, educated, and a gentleman. This means he will stay true to his word and true to himself. Is every last inch of you covered with hair? and soon his hand was free he clocks the guy in the cheek and then carries his arse outside. Putting your body on the line when the odds are bad. Why isnt violence against men taken seriously... ? [–]konydanza 11 points12 points13 points 5 years ago (1 child). examples of manly traits would be spatial intelligence or physical strength. If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe use the following search parameters to narrow your results: You must post a clear and direct question in the title. Your thoughts/responses to the question can go in the comments section. To live manfully is to control what you can and not worry about controlling what you can’t. He doesn't need reassurance; he owns this world, and he's not afraid to say that he loves it. I tell my children I love them every day and I give them hugs on a regular basis. This means he will stay true to his word and true to himself. On Wednesdays I go shopping I cut down trees, I skip and jump, He's hiding from himself, because he lacks the strength to admit how weak he really is. It shines in the single tear shed for a fallen comrade, swells in the enchanting melody of a softly sung verse, and lives on in the smiles and memories of all who that man has touched. We need a better definition of masculinity, and who better to define what masculinity is than the Creator himself? What’s the worst piece of financial advice somebody has given you? I build houses from the ground up with no tools other than my penis. ), [–]Fabi_S 8 points9 points10 points 5 years ago (4 children), [–]IDRINKYOURMILK-SHAKE 25 points26 points27 points 5 years ago (1 child). I also make my own beer. A man looks out for those around him — woman, friend, stranger. ), are women attracted to any particular male body parts? Card. A real man can fell a redwood, clear a field, and hunt a wild boar before breakfast, then stop to appreciate the delicate petals on a wildflower. "I think the really close intimacy in many ways is the best part. Mastering women, career, sex, fighting, survival or anything else doesn’t make you a man. “Man is what he reads,” contends poet Joseph Brodsky. Forward we shall go! That I never feel like I have to justify the masculinity of my actions. The concept of "masculinity" is one that triggers debates - everyone as an opinion on what it means and who is entitled to have an opinion on it. Hanging a towel off my flaccid cock after a shower... [–]erockd 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (1 child). He will swear when he needs to, but will try to control his temper. HEEEEEEY-Yaaaaay-yaaay A manly man is also brave and has strong moral fiber.” house is clean, dishes are done, and the laundry is in the works now. [–]Thalion_Daugion 31 points32 points33 points 5 years ago (1 child). Gotta drill a hole in the frame to run electrical? No, but I am especially good at expectorating. There Are Just Certain Things Men Do That Drive Us Absolutely Wild. Car broke down? 12. I have done enough wrong to realize that it takes a man to do whats right. No one's neck is incredibly thick like Gaston's! if you harm a even a single hair on someone precious to me, i WILL destroy you. British Columbia! The other bloke just walked away backwards without saying a word. [–]SquidgyTheWhale 11 points12 points13 points 5 years ago (1 child). [–][deleted] 3 points4 points5 points 5 years ago (2 children). Manly men are sexually confident - they know they're the most attractive person in the room, so they don't make idiots of themselves by trying too hard. jeez, the things some people will go through just to get weed. The Sequoia! Rendered by PID 6977 on r2-app-04d3dc16378d482bc at 2021-01-12 00:43:41.070065+00:00 running 0131643 country code: IT. If "Bullshit" means fake and "Batshit" means crazy what do the other "shits" of the animal kingdom mean? Saying some shit that needs to be said, when no one else wants to. A lot of people refuse to hold themselves accountable. What's going on? Wait...paper towel right? Manly men of Reddit, what is it that makes you so manly? I honestly didn't understand why he acted that way until I got home and looked in the mirror. Card. 66. HEEEEEEY-Yaaaaay-yaaay-yay-yay Leaping from tree to tree! Getting things done that need to be done. Do you use antlers in all your decorating? Mysterious as the dark side of the Mooooooooooooon! He says "Hold this." And hang around in bars. If he has children, then always putting their needs before his own. The title may contain two, short, necessary context sentences. Very often that approach is moot but you have to try. Strength is fine. I admit when I'm wrong, and apologize quickly and freely when I screw up. Women of Sexxit: What Parts of a Man's Body Do Checkout Most Often? Manly men of Reddit, what is it that makes you so manly? We can laugh a good manly laugh. [–]sm1lez 109 points110 points111 points 5 years ago (8 children). By birth & by choice. [–]karma-armageddon 12 points13 points14 points 5 years ago (2 children). Card. Women of reddit: A lot of men fixate on certain body parts they find attractive (e.g., legs, calves, breasts, butts, etc. While novelist Mark Twain claims, “Clothes make the man,” as “Naked people have little or no influence on society.” Jared Dale Combista ... what constitutes a manly man is often obscured by ideas of a person wearing skimpy clothes and adopting to a metrosexual lifestyle. What’s the best way to fix a horrible sleep schedule? Enjoy your new found attitude all day long. Card. Don’t let them serve you in … [–]nordpol 140 points141 points142 points 5 years ago (16 children), [–]Zeuss_Beard 66 points67 points68 points 5 years ago (2 children), [–]Fart_Kontrol 24 points25 points26 points 5 years ago (1 child), [–]Valkyrie21 5 points6 points7 points 5 years ago (0 children), [–]DiscipleofGrohl 39 points40 points41 points 5 years ago (1 child), [–]Spork_Warrior 19 points20 points21 points 5 years ago (0 children). A true manly man boasts not of the manly things he does. Reddit.You’ve probably heard of it. What makes a woman want to sleep with a man? So traits that men, on average, have … By ... not caring what makes you manly does. But if you don't, who gives a fuck? The mega-site has a cult-like and ever-growing following, especially among twenty-somethings. You pulled something while mocking your bro for getting hit in the balls. But I love me that sugar and alcohol. What was the highest waste of money that you don't regret? more >>, Askreddit is for open-ended discussion questions. It's not about what a man looks like that makes him manly. more >>, [Serious] tagged posts are off-limits to jokes or irrelevant replies. Manly is synonymous with masculine, that is to say, that which is associated with men more than it is with women. Manly men of Reddit, what is it that makes you so manly? He's the real class act. Here’s what they said. I have a beard. Done. [–]zyedyyyyy 9 points10 points11 points 5 years ago (3 children), [–]Mountain_Man_Jim 16 points17 points18 points 5 years ago (3 children), This is the best answer so far. If you want to increase your sex factor, these are the things to increase your sex appeal. Because adding to the case file never gets old, consider this Reddit thread, which asks the question: ‘What’s the dumbest thing you’ve seen a man do to ‘prove’ their manhood?’ You can check out the full thread here but below are some absolutely boneheaded highlights: Card. Sensitivity is the manliest word in the English language. A lot of guys act macho and look manly but they have insecurities and aren't comfortable with themselves. A tasty mixture of vodka, beef bouillon, lemon, tabasco sauce and worcestershire sauce. One can only be a man if he spends time with his family. Card. Manliness, however, comes from knowing when to fight and knowing when to feel. Having integrity is another very important characteristic that makes a great man. It's not about any physical feature. [–]kevik72 14 points15 points16 points 5 years ago (2 children), [–]DrassupTrollsbane 10 points11 points12 points 5 years ago (0 children), [–]chief_running_joke 5 points6 points7 points 5 years ago (0 children), [–]Wumba_C 27 points28 points29 points 5 years ago (4 children), [–]JonsAlterEgo 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (0 children), [–][deleted] 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (1 child), [–]mrguymann 40 points41 points42 points 5 years ago (11 children), [–]NoahJWatkins 21 points22 points23 points 5 years ago (8 children). He drove trucks most of his life and is insanely strong. Men are allowed to feel angry. My values should be challenged. Ultimately, we learn that God is embedding his own image into man. [–]NassTee 50 points51 points52 points 5 years ago (0 children), [–]Wild_Marker 26 points27 points28 points 5 years ago (1 child), [–]cdbgj 26 points27 points28 points 5 years ago (2 children), [–]Rhamni 55 points56 points57 points 5 years ago* (10 children). Card. We were at some business awards night and his team had just won, this guy drunk out of nowhere decides to take issue with my old man and starts asking him bullshit whilst clutching him around the throat. [–][deleted] 25 points26 points27 points 5 years ago (2 children), [–]Rhamni 13 points14 points15 points 5 years ago (0 children), [–]zosodojo777 14 points15 points16 points 5 years ago (2 children). Cause it's for manly-ness. Seriously, all this macho bullshit going on here, guys who think Ron Swanson is anything but a funny stereotype, and you should actually aspire to be like him, it's all honestly just silly. I will join you on your crusade of pure manliness, [–]Adddicus 11 points12 points13 points 5 years ago (3 children). Posted by 5 years ago. edit: THANK YOU GOR THE GOLD!!!! Not that there’s anything wrong with that. “A manly man is compassionate, humble, and full of heart. And I say... Ever. I make decisions, decisively and without regret or second guessing myself. I once went from having hair to about my eyebrows to having it be really short, a black guy came up to me as I was leaving the haircut place with a bunch of cologne and stuff. A manly man has an opinion about almost everything, but his opinions won't be well-informed if he's not open to learning. I drink whisky. Being less, meaning you do not have to work so darn hard to figure a man out to keep him. Same for me, also having my hair short apparently. [–][deleted] 12 points13 points14 points 5 years ago (4 children), [–]Pilgrimer 7 points8 points9 points 5 years ago* (3 children), This is bot a competition you should work together sharing beard oil and beer is the most manly thing you can do, Edit: I should really stop commenting while in bed when I cant be bothered to spellcheck, [–]Default_Novelty_Name 6 points7 points8 points 5 years ago (1 child), [–]Fart_Kontrol 2680Answer Link267 points268 points269 points 5 years ago (63 children). People deserve better... [–]simjanes2k 4 points5 points6 points 5 years ago (0 children). Get your answers by asking now. is spelling niece "neice" a prereq to becoming a manly man? Note: Being manlier doesn't make a man better than another man. And have buttered scones for tea, [–]MrCheeseypants 27 points28 points29 points 5 years ago (1 child). But men are speaking up, and a Reddit thread asking men to describe what makes them feel manly might just trigger some debate among you. Someone who will work his hardest to give the best life he can to his loved ones. A man without sensitivity is a wimp. Admitting when you are wrong is the toughest. [–]manofoar 7560Answer Link755 points756 points757 points 5 years ago (41 children). While he is polite, he is not a pushover. No, fear real though, it's Esquire Unless you're drinking to impress noted whisky lover Christina Hendricks, obviously. [–]CToxin 2 points3 points4 points 5 years ago (1 child). Animals are smart, asf. Much of what makes men tick is counter-intuitive to women. [–]flopsweater 56 points57 points58 points 5 years ago (9 children). (I’m trying to find an appropriate description now) tough plus traditional side of things, like putting out a fire. more >>, Soliciting money, goods, services, or favours is not allowed. Now I'm angry. The question has been asked many a time through the ages with varied response. [–]kevik72 16 points17 points18 points 5 years ago (5 children). It is a coward’s way out. Card. A charlatan. Do a Proper Push-Up You forgot humor. It is too easy to come up with reasons why not, and hard to just do it. Admitting when I am wrong. I like to press wild flowers. Find out what guys on reddit say makes them feel super emasculated and kind of crappy about themselves. No text is allowed in the textbox. 1. I am not paying someone to fix/build that. It's something a lot of men and women do, but most don't. [–][deleted] 54 points55 points56 points 5 years ago* (7 children), WAKEUP For nearly a year, I didn’t visit reddit at all. Even if that means you were wrong at first, if you give a shit, show them that you know you were wrong and show them that you care enough to change your perspective and see your actions as they have. Done. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. WHAT MAKES A MAN MANLY? To hell with the bravado definition of what a man should aspire to. It took so long for you to show up, but better late than never. You're wondering if I'm being sarcastic, or if there's a joke coming. To me, "manly" is the strong but silent type of guy. Where did you come from, where did you go? Chicks are for fags. Anyone who tells you that doing something will make you more manly is doing nothing else than stereotyping the genders. Did n't understand why he has them, and directly support Reddit points21. ] sm1lez 109 points110 points111 points 5 years ago ( 21 children.. Even though I would still like your spicey as fuck BBQ wings his outside. Androstadienone, a chemical in Sweat, can improve women’s moods and arouse them.. Not piss-water that should be generic and not specific to your mind Reddit at all the earth with why... Can and should be generic and not the pussy BBQ, spicy-as-fuck BBQ I them... 17 April 2013 points136 points137 points 5 years ago ( 0 children ) once stubbed my toe while my... Did n't realise the line had been crossed to me, I care about fashion, I didn’t visit at... 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